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Warning on paroxetine withdrawal.

    Where it had been promoted that withdrawal from paroxetene was safe and easy, in fact up to 7% of patients could experience withdrawal symptoms with some of these severe and prolonged.

    Psychiatry defends 30 years of lies about depression

      For more than 30 years, psychiatry has been complicit with pharmaceutical company marketing in forwarding the largest fraud in the history of medicine: the lie of the ‘chemical imbalance’ theory of depression.

      More on misuse of antipsychotics

        The Washington Post report found that government attempts to ban to indiscriminate use of antipsychotics for elderly dementia patients had resulted in their use being replaced by anticonvulsant medications that could be used for the treatment of epilepsy.

        Another ECT myth debunked, again

          ECT machine

          A 2022 study finds no protection against suicide 30 days after ECT treatment and worse, a 30% increased risk of suicide in the following year.