1. The beginning of ‘modern’ psychiatry – a descent into hell
We find a subject based on speculation, unable to establish causes of mental illness and whose primary solution is to murder the very people it should be caring for.
We find a subject based on speculation, unable to establish causes of mental illness and whose primary solution is to murder the very people it should be caring for.
Aktion T4 is the mass murder of the disabled and patients of psychiatric asylums by psychiatrists and the directors of the asylums.
Kraepelin bears responsibility for and helped set the stage for the mass murders of Aktion T4 and through his proteges provided the rationale and ‘scientific foundation’ for what became The Holocaust.
This video covers the history of eugenics, or “racial hygiene,” in Germany and the United States throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The… Read More »A History of Eugenics
DR MARK KOMRAD Per Lanterna: A psychiatry ethicist’s viewpoint on the rising trend of psychiatric euthanasia based on government edict and historical comparisons. This informative… Read More »The Role of Psychiatrists in the U.S. Eugenics & Sterilization Movements and the Nazi Holocaust